Have You Herd About Streaked Tenrec?
We're going to be talking about a pink monkey today! Kidding! April Fools!
The lowland streaked tenrec (Hemicentetes semispinosus) is a small tenrec found in Madagascar. It belongs to the family Tenrecidae in the order Afrosoricida, and more specifically to the subfamily of the spiny tenrecs Tenrecinae.[3] Its natural habitats are in tropical lowland rain forests in northern and eastern parts of Madagascar.
The lowland streaked tenrec (Hemicentetes semispinosus) is a small tenrec found in Madagascar. It belongs to the family Tenrecidae in the order Afrosoricida, and more specifically to the subfamily of the spiny tenrecs Tenrecinae.[3] Its natural habitats are in tropical lowland rain forests in northern and eastern parts of Madagascar.